Why do some Men suffer from Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man doesn’t have sufficient erection to allow for sexual intercourse. After a brief time, the penis doesn’t become stiff or flaccid. These problems should not be ignored if they persist for more than six months or if they occur in more attempts to erection. This is normal if there are occasional erection issues.

Erectile dysfunction is more common in older men. There are many causes. Most cases of erectile dysfunction can easily be treated with medication, medical aids, or psychotherapy. Erectile dysfunction is commonly known as impotence. This is not the only type of impotence. The other form, erectile dysfunction (impotentia congenita), can also be experienced. But, impotence can also be used to describe infertility (impotentia générandi).

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  • Is your penis too stiff for sexual intercourse?
  • Does your erection subside too quickly?
  • Are you having frequent erection issues?

It could be erectile dysfunction. If this happens, the penis is not able to have sexual intercourse. This erectile dysfunction can sometimes be accompanied by other sexual problems. These include premature and delayed ejaculation, ejaculatio retarda.

A man’s self-esteem can quickly be affected by erection problems. It doesn’t work in bed so the pressure is on for it not to work again. This can have a negative impact on quality of life. Erectile dysfunction can also affect the men’s relationships.

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Treatments for erectile dysfunction with physical causes can be used. It is important to treat any other diseases that may be triggering erectile dysfunction. Sometimes, surgery can correct impotence. If the cause of erectile dysfunction lies within the mind, it is possible to have sex therapy with your partner.

Drug Therapy

A phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor is often prescribed by doctors to improve blood flow to the penis. These active ingredients include sildenafil (avanafil), sildenafil (tadalafil) and vardenafil (vardenafil). Avanafil, the only one that has not been registered in Switzerland, is Avanafil. These active ingredients all inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5. It reduces a messenger substance, which increases blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. It can cause the drug to disrupt the process, resulting in more of the messenger substance being released and thus a longer period of erection. Tadalafil’s effect lasts between 24 and 36 hours. It starts to work after about half an hour. A doctor may also prescribe this active ingredient to be used regularly, with a maximum of one tablet per day. The erectile effects of avanafil sildenafil or vardenafil last between 4 and 12 hours. These phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors do not promote pleasure. They only help to build erections when the man is sexually stimulated. Side effects include nausea, headaches, dizziness and stomach burning.

Hormonal Therapy

It is normal for testosterone levels to decrease in men with age. This does not mean that you should treat it. If a man has erectile dysfunction (hypogonadism), it may be possible to correct the testosterone deficit. This can sometimes have a positive impact on your potency. In conjunction with hormone therapy, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibits can often be more effective. You can inject testosterone at longer intervals, or apply it to the skin as gel. This type of therapy was once controversial because it could increase your risk of developing prostate cancer or heart attack. However, current research shows that this is not true.

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum therapy is a mechanical treatment for erectile problems. The vacuum therapy is a method that involves placing a transparent plastic tube on the penis. This tube connects to a pump through a tube. The vacuum created by this creates an environment in which blood is pumped to the erectile tissue, causing it to produce an erection. To stop blood from escaping again, a rubber ring is placed at the base of your penis. The ring should be removed within 30 minutes. Otherwise, circulatory problems and damage to the penis may occur. This method should not be used by men with heart disease.

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Frequency, Causes and Risk Factors

It is unknown how many men are affected. Erectile dysfunction is taboo and men are reluctant to visit the doctor. This means that there is likely to be many cases not reported. Experts estimate that approximately 5% of men are affected. As you get older, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction is higher. The study found that about one in ten men between the ages of 40 and 49 are affected, while one in three is affected by age 60 to 69.

There are many possible causes of erectile dysfunction. There are many possible triggers for erectile dysfunction, including vascular diseases, hormonal disorders and nerve disorders. Stress, depression and fear of failure can all be psychological triggers. About 70% of cases of erectile dysfunction are due to physical causes. Sometimes, there is a combination of psychological and physical causes. It is common for younger men to experience erectile dysfunction due to purely psychological triggers.

Most common is a disruption in blood flow to the penis. The penis may not receive enough blood if the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis become calcified. Insufficient erectile tissue can cause erection difficulties or make it difficult to conceive. Sometimes, the penile muscle can also be affected. Arteriosclerosis (hardening the blood vessels) may be the reason for erection difficulties in those affected. This could indicate vascular calcification. In the worst case, it could cause a stroke or heart attack. An unhealthy lifestyle can promote vascular calcification. An unhealthy lifestyle, including smoking and a lack of exercise, can cause blood vessel damage and a decrease in erectile function. Studies show that regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on potency. Circulatory problems can also be caused by diseases. These can include high blood pressure, diabetes and disorders of the lipid metabolism.

Hypogonadism, a testosterone deficiency, can also impact potency. Recent studies show that a sufficient amount of testosterone contributes to satisfactory erection. As we age, testosterone levels decrease in men. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a deficiency in testosterone. Potency disorders can be caused by many medications. These side effects can be found on the label inserts of dehydrating and antiinflammatory drugs, beta-blockers and lipid-lowering medications, as well as drugs for depression. Anyone who suspects that they are experiencing erectile dysfunction due to a prescribed drug should not stop taking it or alter their dosage. After consultation, a doctor may prescribe a different drug.

The development of an erection is not only dependent on hormones, blood vessels, and muscles. Nerves also play a role. Erectile dysfunction can occur when nerves in the penis and brain are damaged. These nerve pathways may be damaged by radiation or surgery in the pelvic area, or by a herniated disk. Negative effects can also be caused by chronic alcohol abuse or diabetes. Also, diseases that affect the central nervous systems, like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis, can negatively impact nerves.

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Impotence in Men – The most effective Solution: Potencialex

It is difficult to say how many people are affected by erectile dysfunction, because the results of studies vary widely depending on the type of data collection, the questions asked, and the subjects selected. vary greatly in some cases, ranging from less than ten percent to more than 50 percent. However, the studies at least indicate that they occur more frequently with increasing age.

Erectile dysfunction can:

Occur without an identifiable cause, happen as a result of another disease or an injury, occur as a side effect of certain medications.

If the man has never been able to get or maintain an erection, doctors call this primary erectile dysfunction.

If the problem occurs later in life, after the man has already had and been able to maintain erections, medicine refers to this as secondary erectile dysfunction. The latter is the more common variant.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms

The most noticeable symptom of erectile dysfunction is that the man is unable to get an erection hard or persistent enough to have intercourse to have sexual intercourse. The fact that the penis occasionally fails to become erect or slumps early is normal. Warning signs that erectile dysfunction may be pathological include the following could be, for example:

  • A feeling of numbness in the area of the buttocks and genitals.
  • Absence of nocturnal and morning erections
  • Muscle cramps in the legs during exertion (such as walking) that subside immediately at rest. It could be intermittent claudication, the so-called “window shopper’s disease”, in which the arteries are only supplied with blood to a limited extent. One symptom is erectile dysfunction.

Stress and anxiety are often involved in psychologically induced erectile dysfunction. Under stress, the body produces a lot of cortisol. This is a hormone which is released in the body in dangerous situations. The body decides between flight and fight. Both are bad, because in this situation the body also secretes also releases adrenaline, which works against an erection. A sudden onset of erectile dysfunction associated with a life-changing event such as loss experience and traumatic experiences is also typical of psychologically induced erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Treatment

Underlying conditions of erectile dysfunction should be adequately treated. This includes good medication to control blood pressure in the presence of hypertension. existing hypertension. Likewise a lowering of high blood lipid values.

Psychotherapy can be helpful for anxiety disorders, depression or other mental illnesses. Patients with physically induced erectile dysfunction could also erectile dysfunction could benefit from psychotherapy. At the beginning of therapy, it is not easy because the patient and therapist need to establish a basis of trust. need to establish a basis of trust. In the longer term, psychotherapy shows good results.

Drug treatment classically includes phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE-5 inhibitors). These interfere with the ability of the penile blood vessels to contract. blood vessels of the penis and ensure an adequate inflow of blood into the erectile tissue. They are taken before sexual intercourse.

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What are the Organic Causes of Impotence?

Organic causes account for up to 90% of all erectile dysfunctions and can often be very easily treated. Organic, i.e. Physically determined causes of erectile problems are usually the result of chronic or acute health problems. These can be based on, for instance, hormonal, neurological, or vascular causes.

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Organic Cause of Impotence

If there is a gradual loss of erectile function, stiffness in the penis and a progressive loss of sexual intercourse, it can be ruled out as organically caused erectile dysfunction. There are many organic causes that can cause a variety of symptoms. A specialist must determine the exact cause before making a diagnosis.

One example of an organic cause of impotence is the loss or buildup of collagen in the tissues. It can be caused by hormonal factors (testosterone deficiencies) or other factors.

Erection problems can often be caused by altered nerve structures, in addition to loss of smooth muscles cells. To diagnose the problem accurately, it is important to examine the nerves. These nerves transmit nerve impulses, which are created during sexual arousal. They are then sent to the penis via spinal cord. Erectile dysfunction can occur if this transmission is disrupted. Nerve conduction to the penis can be negatively affected by a variety of neurological diseases and metabolic disorders.

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Reduced blood flow is another important factor in erectile dysfunction. A lot of blood must flow into the tissue to achieve good erection. A comprehensive diagnosis should include both the pelvic arteries, which supply the penis with blood, and the small penile veins (four very important penile vessels).

Potency problems can also be caused by weakening the pelvic floor. A third of the penis length, even after a good and full erection is held in the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor-anchored penile structure has muscles that run both in the circular and lateral directions. It is essential to have strong muscles in these areas for a firm and effective erection. To prevent impotence, and increase sexual performance, we have developed a variety of training plans.

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Erectile dysfunction is most commonly caused by Blood Vessel Disorders

54 percent of erectile dysfunctions that are physically caused by the body are due to blood vessel diseases.

These symptoms can be often attributed to the following causes or combined with them:

  • Vascular diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Nervous disorders
  • Hormone disorders
  • Operation
  • Use of drugs

Medication used to kill Erections

Naturally, erectile dysfunction organically caused by a partner problem can be complicated over time. Fear of failure can lead to organically-caused erectile disorder, which in turn triggers stress. This in turn causes a negative effect on the voluntary nervous system, and further exacerbates erectile disorders. Psychological factors can be a contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. A thorough diagnosis is essential in order to find the root cause.

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Frustration isn’t just a man’s natural reaction when things go wrong at bedtime. Experts believe that “it” does not work for every man over the course of his lifetime. There are many causes of impotence. Although the condition can be associated with shameful feelings, it is important that those suffering from impotence consult a specialist as soon as possible, says Dr. Michael Dunzinger, Head of Urology and Andrology at Vocklabruck Regional Hospital.

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What is Impotence?

There are two types of impotence. Impotentia comitia” is a condition in which one cannot erection or maintain a satisfactory level of sexual activity. This term is often used to describe impotence. Contrary to this, “impotentia generandi”, or sterility, is a lack in the ability to reproduce due to a deficiency of semen. Erection is normal.

Evidential de-tabooing

Erectile dysfunction is still mostly a problem for older men. Just under one-third (or 60%) of those over 60 have reported having it. However, the expert says that younger people are also experiencing impotence. This condition affects between 400,000 and 600,000. The primar says that only 10% of those affected consult a doctor. Many men have difficulty speaking about their “problem” when things don’t work out on the sexual level. However, there has been an increase in willingness to visit a doctor in recent years. This is not surprising considering the introduction of Viagra. “There is a need to de-tabooize. Men are becoming more open about their erection issues, and often with their partners. It’s becoming less common to talk about “impotence” and more of “erectile dysfunction (E.D.).

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Impotence: Causes

Many functions need to interact in order for an erection process to take place. All functions are affected, including nerves, blood vessels and hormones. There are many causes of impotence. Age, obesity, high blood pressure and other diseases, as well as psychological problems like depression, can all play a part in impotence. Dunzinger believes there is a psychological cause for many erectile problems. This could be due to stress or anxiety. Erectile dysfunction may also be a sign of another condition, such as diabetes mellitus. Nearly half of diabetics have it. Circulatory disorders can also be the cause of erection problems.

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There are many treatment Options

The cause of impotence will determine the type of treatment. PDE-5 inhibitors are the most common. They are taken 45-60 minutes before sexual intercourse, and last for between four and 36 hours. Viagra is the most well-known PDE-5 inhibitor. Austria also has Levitra and Cialis. Patients with severe heart disease should not use these drugs.

Another option is to inject drugs into the penis via a needle. There is also the option of using a vacuum pump. To create a vacuum, you can place a plastic cylinder on top of the penis. The result is a stiffening of the member due to the blood influx. To stop the blood returning to the penis, a ring is placed at its base. The ring is taken off after sexual intercourse and the penis becomes flaccid. The physician only occasionally uses a surgical procedure to insert a penile prosthesis. Two silicone tubes are used to replace the erectile tissue. Dunzinger said that these tubes can be filled with fluid using a pump system under the skin.

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How does Potencialex help against Impotence?

Many men, especially young men, need to be ready for anything. When things go wrong, it is common to be silent. People affected may be afraid to discuss it with their partner, or with a doctor. Erectile dysfunction can be treated.

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While you are eager for intimate relationships, your thoughts turn to the next exam or that last business meeting where you didn’t perform well. Your best friend is now on the verge of collapse and the air is thin. This is normal and has happened to all men at least once. If the erection does not occur as often or is too short, it can be a strain on the relationship and cause the partner to feel pressure.

Erectile dysfunction (ED), a common condition, affects approximately one in ten men. Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man experiences problems with his erection for more than two-thirds, and for at least six months. It is more common in older men, but it can also affect younger men: One in four new diagnoses already targets men under 40.

It is what causes it?

There are many causes of ED. Although physical causes like nerve damage, testosterone deficiency, or diabetes mellitus are most common in men over 50, psychological factors are more prevalent in younger men.

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These include:

  • Persisting pressure to perform at work or at university.
  • Conflicts with partners
  • Fear of failure
  • Mental illnesses like depression.

Excessive porn use can also reduce enjoyment of real sex, and impair potency. The risk is also increased by being overweight, smoking heavily, and abusing drugs as well as alcohol.

An unhappiness in bed can lead to a man worrying about “failing again” the next time. This can often lead to a decrease in sexual arousal, and therefore the likelihood of an erection.

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Study suggests that choosing the right bicycle saddle is also important. A bicycle saddle that is too narrow or too long can cause nerves and vessels to constrict in the genital region. Anatomically-shaped saddles are the best solution.

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No question, erectile dysfunction is a sensitive topic. Talking openly with trusted people and your partner can help relieve frustration and pressure. An urologist is your trusted contact person who has extensive knowledge in this area. He or she will assess the patient and recommend treatment options.

Is there anything else you can do?

A healthy lifestyle can help you avoid erectile dysfunction. This includes:

  • Normal weight
  • regular exercise,
  • A balanced diet is important.
  • Low alcohol consumption
  • You can quit smoking by using TK’s Non Smoking Coaching.

It is often a good idea to not put pressure on yourself during sex in a relationship. Good sex is often equated to orgasms. It doesn’t necessarily have to be extreme for intimacy. It’s possible to caress, kiss and exchange caresses. You can have stimulating conversations, be open to new ideas and even try out sex toys.

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It doesn’t matter if it fails every once in a while. If the penis doesn’t move during sex for several months, it can be more serious. Stress is not something the penis likes. If you think about tomorrow’s job or previous day’s problems, stimulation will not help. The penis will strike. Even when there is friction, the penis can sometimes respond sensitively to it. He doesn’t like being put under pressure. He will sometimes go limp if he feels that he must work hard.

This is normal. Arousal is a combination of relaxation and arousal. It all starts at the head. It starts in the head. Its erectile tissue looks like a sponge composed of smooth muscle cells. They contract the tissue in normal circumstances. The smooth muscles become more relaxed when they are stimulated. This allows for more blood to flow into cavernosa cavities. Their solid shell presses against the veins if they bulge. It is very difficult for blood to flow out. The penis becomes stiff.

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Older men are more likely to experience Potency Problems

Parasympathetic nervous systems provide the necessary impulses to erection. You cannot control it voluntarily. However, you can influence it through autogenic training. Its counterparts are stress, pressure to perform and fear. It is not uncommon to experience occasional erectile dysfunction. This also explains why impotence almost always involves the psyche. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where a man can’t have sexual intercourse for a prolonged period of time. Experts also add that impotence can cause severe problems for men.

Young men almost always can. Midlife is when most men experience the problem. Between the ages 40 and 70, approximately half of men experience occasional erectile dysfunction. A quarter of those who have it more frequently, 10 percent, are completely incompetent. The likelihood of becoming infertile increases with age. Most men come to terms after 60. However, younger men are more likely want treatment.

An indicator that you are at risk is Impotence

Many people with impotence have physical reasons. Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, or elevated blood cholesterol are at higher risk. People who smoke, are overweight, and drink excessive alcohol are more at risk than those who are athletic teetotalers. All of this makes it more difficult because of the fear that you will fail.

Hormonal imbalances, injuries, herniated disks, and serious diseases like multiple sclerosis can all lead to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is also a sign of serious health issues. Talk to your doctor about it.

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Psychological Reasons

Is it working or not? This is a good question to ask before you have sex. Fear of failure can lead to erectile dysfunction. Frequent failure can result from even minor breakdowns, whether they are caused by stress or arguments. Anxiety can lead to mild physical problems that eventually become insurmountable.

In the worst cases, impotence can erode self-esteem and lead to men avoiding physical affection. Many men suffering from potency issues also experience depression as a result of the vicious cycle of fear and withdrawal. But, being constantly moody can also prevent erection.

Causes of Death

Many people decide whether or not the penis becomes stiff. Hormones can trigger desire, or stop it. The nerves send and receive signals. The penis’ muscles relax and the arteries dilate. If one or more of these actors is weak, the desired outcome does not happen. This is true for some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, that affect nerves or vessels.

Sugar in diabetics first damages blood vessels and tiny veins. The arteries that carry blood to the erectile tissues become narrowed. The tissues in the body are not receiving enough blood. This includes the smooth muscle cells of the penis and the fine nerve fibers that run through the genitals. The worst case scenario is when the tissue begins to lose its function or dies. In this case, the penis will cease to respond to sexual stimuli. The brain cannot interpret the message. Its signals, however, no longer reach the bottom.

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Be Careful: Some Drugs can make you Ineligible

Many men experience impotence without realizing it. They take medication for depression and have sex problems. They may also lower their blood pressure by taking medication. Over time, they will notice a drop in penis size.

These drugs are known as sex-hostile drugs and include psychotropic drugs, cholesterol-lowering medications, and drugs that cause too much stomach acid. They can interfere with erection at various points. Psychotropic drugs target the brain and seem to block the nerve impulse that is supposed relax the muscles in the penis. High blood pressure medication may stop blood flow to the penis so that it can erect. Other medications can lower testosterone levels and cause a loss of desire. This is not something that every doctor will tell you. Ask the right questions.

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