Dangerous Disease: Erectile Dysfunction. Can Eroxel be the solution?

Erectile dysfunction can be a burden and can even hide serious diseases. You can still protect yourself if you understand the symptoms. First, let’s start with the good news. Sexuality is the best way for good health. Regular sex helps strengthen the immune system, prevent infections, and lowers the risk of developing serious heart disease. The bad news is that approximately five million German men suffer from erectile disorder. One in ten men aged 40 to 50 are impotent. Over 60, one in three is. Many people don’t know that impotence can be caused by serious illnesses. But regardless of the causes of Impotence, Eroxel is now the best natural supplement to combat this problem: Eroxel Original

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Professor Hartmut Porst is a urologist who is one of the most respected experts on sexual disorders. He says that “the fact that the male organ does not do its job because of a complex system” The limbic system is responsible for the “ignition” or “ignition” of an erection. This brain region processes all stimulating and inhibiting influences that affect sexual function and transmits them to the penis via the spinal cord.

What causes are there for Impotence?

Sometimes, only nerve conduction between the brain and the genitals is paralyzed. The bottom of the eroticism is not reached by the head and vice versa. The brain does not respond to too many stimulating feelings from the partner.

Stress is the main reason for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by stress, obesity, excessive alcohol intake, and diabetes. Erectile dysfunction is common. It can be caused by side effects of medications, especially those for high blood pressure or gout. Talk to your doctor and read the insert. Sometimes, switching to another medication will suffice to relieve the symptoms.

Is Impotence also a warning Sign?

Studies have shown that erectile dysfunction may be the first sign of coronary artery disease. This is even before symptoms like shortness of breath and weakness. general weakness. This is particularly true for diabetics and young men.

This is because the blood vessels in your penis are smaller than the ones in your heart. A reduced blood supply is one of the major causes of impotence. A strong erection can only occur if there is enough blood flow to the penis. Heart disease can develop approximately two to three years after the first sign of erectile dysfunction. The expert says, “Therefore I can only recommend that all affected persons see a doctor.”

This allows for early detection of any heart disease. The treatment can begin before major damage occurs. Side effect: You can start to enjoy the pleasures of lovemaking again.

How can we prevent Erectile Dysfunction?

The condition of blood vessels affects erectile function. Everyone should make every effort to keep their blood vessels as elastic and free as possible. Avoid animal fats, eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, engage in regular endurance sports, reduce alcohol intake, and quit smoking. Meds should be used to treat conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. If you experience erectile dysfunction, your doctor should diagnose it. If you make some changes in your eating habits and add Eroxel to your new diet you will notice the difference instantly. Thanks to its potent natural ingredients you will regain your sex life without side effects: Eroxel Test